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Our Story


Welcome from Amanda, Lynn, Kerri, Susan and Ruth!


We came together with many creative, holistic, wellness, and spiritual practices.


We shared an interest to raise the life force and frequency of ourselves and communities.


We soon discovered that we could make a positive difference offering gratitude and appreciation to ourselves, bodies of water and troubled lives, homes, businesses and communities in the area.


Now we invite you to join us on our Holistic Clearing Solutions journey.


Get notified about our next class when you opt-in. Get connected to our inspiring and life changing team and others who are ready for Holistic Clearing Solutions.


Hand treatments * facials * massage * intuitive counsel * house/office clearings


What do you want in your popup spas day?


You're not alone.

  • Have you felt tired, overwhelmed by the energies at home, work and public places? 
  • Do you keep having the same health ailments, setbacks or relationship challenges? 
  • Have you ever wished there were easier, more powerful ways to remove energy blocks? 
  • Wouldn’t it be great if you could gain more confidence and confirmation along your path?
  • In this techy age, would you like to recharge and feel a stronger connection with nature?
  • Feeling stuck, uninspired, not supported and just going through the motions of life? 
  • What rituals and tools help rejuvenate, focus and tap into sacred power?
  • Imagine being able to nurture, honor and love the goddess within and everywhere.
  • Wish you had a deeper connection to more people that wanted to explore the vast wisdom of nature and spiritual guidance and energy clearing tools?


What Holistic Clearing Solutions
does for ourselves and clients:

  • Clear negative energies and stresses in the body, home or work environment.
  • Recognize healthy and negative patterns in your life, relationships and environment.
  • Use tools to remove the energy blocks standing in our way of health and happiness.
  • Gain confidence and confirmation and help to feel more positively supported.
  • Recharge and feel a stronger connection with nature.
  • Practice sacred rituals that fuel the soul, uplift the spirit and energize the whole person.
  • Notice more blessings, synchronicities, gifts and opportunities from unexpected sources.
  • Tap into sacred rituals and tools to recognize and access sacred power.
  • Nurture, honor and love the goddess within.
  • Offer a community that understands and helps clear stress and complexities of life.
Join our free Holistic Clearing Solutions Facebook Group  at www.HolisticClearingSolutions.com


Our Mission

Our mission is to clear the geopathic stresses in ourselves and others through water sources, properties, homes and our lives.